But the details come in and eventually even Al Quaeda has to admit openly that, yes, he got greased.
Now think about this for a second. If the U.S. is saying that we got the guy, claiming a daring commando raid with no casualties for us and a humiliating defeat for him, and we really hadn't gotten him, wouldn't that be kind of a no brainer to yap about all over the place?
Well yeah, that's what you would conclude if you think about it. But leave it to the conspiracy nuts to out clever the clever. Well, clever is probably overstating things.
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Steve R. Pieczenik has recently insisted that Bin Laden wasn't really killed by U.S. commandos but had died many years before from marfan syndrome.
“Osama Bin Laden was totally dead, so there’s no way they could have attacked or confronted or killed Osama Bin laden,” said Pieczenik, joking that the only way it could have happened was if special forces had attacked a mortuary.Of course the conspiracy nuts have lapped this up like cream from a saucer.
Hey, I just noticed something. The article was written just two days before Al Quaeda released its statement confirming the death of Bin Laden. Ah ha! See! They made it all up to discredit Pieczenik!
Seriously. C'mon. Now that the U.S. is claiming victory by swooping in and taking him out, where are the Al Quaeda sources that claim that he was really dead this whole time? Where are the denials of the U.S. kill from the jihadist side of the fence? Where are the denials from his family, for Pete's sake?
But I'm looking for logical analysis from the lunatic fringe. And I suppose one might call my own rationality into question for that.